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Walk through Berguedà

Al Tossal del Castell de Termes

To the north of Gósol there is a small hill, the hill of Castell de Termes, which watches over the town from the north, where theres is an interpretative route of discovery: the Coal tit route. A route dedicated to the little bird that lives there, which you can slowly discover thanks to the explanations of the information boards located along the way. If you are silent you can hear its beautiful singing!
To access it from Gósol it is recommended to do it along the Coll de la Guàrdia path, which is also used to go to the Verdet pass on the north face of the Pedraforca. In Coll de la Guàrdia, you can see dry stone structures that are waiting for an archeological excavation to extract the interlacing of these highly suggestive place names. You will also pass by some interesting plains that take in the recreational area of ​​Font Terrers, where the water springs strong.
Above the hill of the Castell de Termes awaits you a good panoramic view of the Cadí, Pedraforca and Gósol valley. The return is proposed along the pleasant historical road of Cerdanya, well recovered and frequented.

From Plaça de Gósol, in front of the Picasso Museum, take the narrow streets that go up to the upper part of the village, where the Coll de la Guàrdia path goes, and follow the path that goes straight up and at the base. zigzags to make it less heavy, gaining height. So, if you turn around, you will see a beautiful postcard image of Gósol and its surroundings.
When you are almost on the Coll de la Guàrdia, you will find that the path forks, if you keep going straight you will reach the Verdet pass, the access point to Pedraforca. In this itinerary the proposal is not to climb as much, but to continue to the left to reach the wide Coll de la Guardia. This area is home to a number of dry stone structures that are still unknown, but hopefully in the coming years they can be removed with archeological exploration. Cross the whole plain that occupies the neck and on the right you will see a very milled path continues north, follow it. It is a fairly flat road, despite some ripples until it connects with the road to Cerdanya. Follow it now heading north, on the way back you will do the opposite. Shortly afterwards, you will come to the Font Terrers recreational area track, take a few meters to reach it. This is a good place to take a little break to refresh yourself and if you need to refill the canteens in the plentiful, cool spring.
Once rebuilt and ready for the discovery of this red pine forest, it will be time to start the itinerary of the Coal tit. It is a self-interpreting route based on a series of panels that you will find along the way. Take the track that goes through the forest in front of the Font Terrers meadow. A few meters ahead you cross another open meadow smaller than the previous one, and from here the path goes uphill a little steeper. You will leave the path on the left where you will descend, and continue on until you reach a small clearing overlooking the western part of Cadi. Here is a path that you could descend in the direction of Josa de Cadí, but in this case you make a left turn and then go to crown, through a small step, the summit of the hill of Castell de Termes. This one offers a splendid panoramic view of the Serra dels Cortils, Serra Pedregosa, Cadí, north face of the Pedraforca, Serra d'Ensija ... If you look there you will also see the Coll de la Guardia where you have risen as well as the village of Gósol crowned. for his castle.
Returning to Font Terrers you can still find out more curiosity about the coal tit. Then you only have to follow the path where you have climbed, until the deviation with the path of the Coll de la Guardia. The proposal is now to continue down the road from Cerdanya to Gósol. You will enter the village through the well-known neighborhood with the same name as the road, which indicates how important it was to cross the Serra del Cadi and to the extensive Cerdanya plain. You will soon be back in Plaça de Gósol, the end of this route.

  • Technical sheet

  • Route number: 41

  • Town: Gósol

  • Type: Very easy

  • Distance: 6 Km

  • Time: 2 hores

  • maximum altitude: 1777 m.

  • height difference: 375 m.

  • To organise

  • Cartography: 45-Parc Natural del Cadí-Moixeró W. 1:25.000 Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya Serra del Cadí - Pedraforca 1:25.000. Ed. Alpina Massís del Pedraforca 1:15.000. Monteditorial

  • More information

  • Bibliography: Fulletó de la Ruta de la Mallerenga petita del Parc Natural del Cadí-Moixeró El Massís del Pedraforca, Paratge Natural d’Interès Nacional. Generalitat de Catalunya. Inventari de Patrimoni: invarquit.cultura.gencat.cat

Documents and links


Carretera C16 Km 96

 08600-Berga. Phone (+34) 654 125 696

Monday to Friday: 9 to 14h.

Saturday: 10 to 14 & 16 to 18h.

Sunday and holidays: 10 to 14h.

E-mail: turisme@elbergueda.cat



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