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Walk through Berguedà

From Bagà to Brocà through Paller

The history of Bagà itself does not begin until the Middle Ages, with the repopulation by the Counts of Cerdanya of the lands on the southern slope of its domain. The first document that refers to Bagà dates to the year 839. The highest importance but is obtained by the stately family of the Pinós who will make Bagà the capital of its extensive domains.
This route proposes you to cross the nearby Sant Marc mountain range in the eastern part of the town, to the old medieval village of Brocà. The path will go through the Sanctuary of Paller, which in fact are two that of Baix (the current one) and the one of Dalt (now in rubble) until reaching the nucleus of Brocà. A territory now practically uninhabited but full of history with farmhouses and hermitages of different eras.

The route starts at the Information Center of the Natural Park of the Cadí-Moixeró by the alley that goes by the old laundry, and enters below the Torre de La Portella in the porch square Galceran de Pinós where a plaque recalls the legend of the hundred maidens It goes to Plaça Catalunya and to Carrer del Raval. At this point go up Queen Elisenda Avenue to the left. Before reaching a very steep bend, turn right along the path of the orchards. Cross the haystack stream and climb up past the C-16 motorway viaduct. Shortly afterwards, the path connects with the track that reaches some huts, follow it to the left, upstream. You will see a path with wooden railing that descends to the river, if you follow it you can take a first break in the shady Font del Sofre, a place frequented in summer. Returning to the track, you will soon cross the stream, and then follow the path that winds uphill winding. If you turn around, you will have good views over Bagà. You will reach a plain where there are ruins, they are from the chapel of Sant Pelegrí, possibly of modern times but before the Sanctuary you are about to reach. In a few minutes you will reach the track of the Sanctuary of Paller, follow it to the left and you will soon be there.

Church and lodging form a single building with a gable roof. The early church is documented as far back as the 11th century. XIII, but the construction of the present one is of the s. XVI. It contains notable altarpieces of the late Baroque and an image of the Virgin of the Paller, of Romanesque style. The environment with a recreational area is very careful. The bathing fountain was attributed healing properties.

Go to the right side of the building and continue on the path that goes up the stream until it gets inside. It is a stream that is usually dry or carries very little water, so it is easily passable. You will exit on the Paller de Dalt track, keep on the left and after some curves you will reach the extensive Paller de Dalt plain, where you can see the ruins of the ancient sanctuary documented since 1197. Possibly the far away with the town of Bagà make it abandon and build it below. It also shows the remains of at least one house and its barns. This is an open and lonely place like few! If you pay attention, you can see the road that goes up the hill to the north, uphill.

Follow the track that you plan to the northwest, and then it will turn into a path in the woods, which will save the unevenness through curves. You will reach a wide neck, the Collada Grossa. Here if you follow the GR to the north you could access the mast neck area, but this is not the case. Follow the PR-C 158 to the right, along a track that goes uphill. You will enter a nice beech area to the Coll de Fenells. A small descent and again you will climb again by way until you reach the hill that houses the remains of the old hermitage of Sant Marc de Brocà. You can enter it but you will notice how the roof has given way and now it has the sky as a roof. The views are splendid to the west from Ensija, Pedraforca, Cadí and Moixeró.

Take the descent down the path that goes down to the east. A new snake will take you to an extensive area of ​​plains. You will pass by a pond and taking a few meters the track to the right, the path will again go down to the houses above Brocà. You will cross some bundles and descend down sections of meadows and old fields. You will find a track that you just have to cross and following the course of the stream you will reach the nucleus of Sant Martí de Brocà, behind its hermitage, which is well preserved.

The road to Guardiola goes south, but you head north-west following the path that opens in the middle of pasture fields. The views here are spectacular, with Pedraforca in the background. A small turn and you will reach Clarà, another of the houses that were part of Brocà, now also in rubble. Leave the track and take the path that goes north. It seems to be entering the forest, but immediately opens up a brittle terrain. Be careful that there is a slippery stretch. You will make a piece of ridge where you will continue with a good view to the northwest. When the path seems to be climbing a hill, notice that your path descends to the right, down the stream. Cross it and head to an area of ​​orchards, along the well-delimited path between beams. You will come to a wide carriageway to the left a few meters. Just before you reach some huts, again a path to the left bounded by large dry stone walls - alas, in some sections they have already given way - you will reach a wide track. Follow it to the right and you will immediately be at the Torrent del Gibellàs industrial estate.

Continue down the street to the left, again under the C-16 road and at the roundabout continue down to Rabal street. Follow it to the right until the end, where you only have to undo the initial path to Plaza Catalunya and the porch square. If you have enough time, before returning to the Information Center of the Natural Park of the Cadí-Moixeró, it is worth a stop to see the wide cultural offer available to the town: mainly, the Medieval and the Cathars center, Sala of the Paintings of the Palace of Pinós, self-guided route through the medieval center and church of Sant Esteve, as well as the center of the Natural Park of the Cadí Moixeró at the end of the route.

  • Technical sheet

  • Route number: 31

  • Town: Bagà

  • Type: Middle

  • Distance: 14 Km

  • Time: 5,5 h

  • maximum altitude: 1611 m

  • height difference: 1025 m.

  • To organise

  • Cartography: 46-Parc Natural del Cadí-Moixeró E. 1:25.000 Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya Moixeró - La Tosa 1:25.000. Ed. Alpina

  • More information

  • Bibliography: Inventari patrimoni: http://patrimonicultural.diba.cat

Documents and links


Carretera C16 Km 96

 08600-Berga. Phone (+34) 654 125 696

Monday to Friday: 9 to 14h.

Saturday: 10 to 14 & 16 to 18h.

Sunday and holidays: 10 to 14h.

E-mail: turisme@elbergueda.cat



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