Logo Turisme del Berguedà

Adapted Viewpoints

Orris Viewpoint

Itinerary adapted to people with reduced mobility who, following a wooden walkway, access the Orris viewpoint 
The Orris viewpoint offers a spectacular panoramic view of the southern face of the eastern Pre-Pyrenees, where you can see the Tosa massif, the Moixeró mountain range, the eastern end of the Cadí mountain range, Pedraforca and the Ensija mountain range. , from closer to farther. If you are lucky, you can also see large birds of prey flying from the viewpoint, such as vultures or the badger. During the route of the wooden walkway, on the pines it is also possible to see the woodpeckers, which often frequent the place.

Distance: 100 m.
Accumulated difference in level: 3 m.
Maximum slope: 12%
Accessibility: accessible without a companion
Pavement: wooden walkway treated with baseboard, minimum width of 90 cm and with a rest area halfway
Adapted parking: yes, a vehicle.

How to get there
You must reach Bagà by the C-16, and, once inside the municipality, follow the signs to Coll de Pal (BV-4024). At kilometer 14.2, there is a dirt car park where the trencapinyes route begins; you have to cross it and follow the forest track for 1 km until you reach the adapted car park of the Orris viewpoint.

  • Technical sheet

  • Town: Bagà

  • Type: Very easy


Carretera C16 Km 96

 08600-Berga. Phone (+34) 654 125 696

Monday to Friday: 9 to 14h.

Saturday: 10 to 14 & 16 to 18h.

Sunday and holidays: 10 to 14h.

E-mail: turisme@elbergueda.cat



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