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Routes and network of footpaths

From Borredà to Sant Jaume de Frontanyà i Moreta

This is an all-day tour that runs through an uncommon spot, straddling Berguedà and Ripollès. Start at Campalans campsite and go through varied landscapes and habitats: various riparian areas, extensive areas of red pine forest with oaks and holm oaks in the solei and beech trees in the shady places, and some open areas with pasture meadows and old beams. of cultivation as well as several farms and also two small inhabited nuclei: Sant Jaume de Frontanyà and Moreta.

The route starts in front of the Campalans Camping reception, located in Campalans, a farmhouse already mentioned in the s. XVI that during the s. XVIII century grows and becomes one of the important farmhouses in the area. At the beginning of walking you have to continue along the track that goes south towards the stream. You will pass earlier by the Mill of Campalans, a mill already documented from the Middle Ages, although the current building is a construction of the s. XVIII, that follows the traditional scheme of the farmhouse of classic structure and small. It worked as a mill until the s. XX, and is currently part of the facilities of the Campsite. Once you get down, before crossing the creek, you will join the path that comes from the Molí del Sobirà, downstream (marked with yellow strips of the Berguedà road network). Follow it upstream and you will soon see the dam diverting the water from the mill. From here you can enjoy a fun path on the creek that you will have to cross several times, passing through several gorges the Gorg del Tell, the Gorg de Canet (one of the largest) and the Gorg del Roure.

You will come to a crossroads, at the point where the Nou Fonts irrigation channel and the one that descends from Sant Jaume converge. Continue straight on and return to the path on the right. The path will continue to cross the stream several times and now also some track. You are, however, in an area that is more open and transformed. Finally a path will take you to the road to Sant Jaume de Frontanyà. Carefully follow the car uphill, on the right a little over a kilometer to the first forest track on your right, which you must follow. At the height of the creek, without crossing it, continue along the track on the left, upstream. Further on you will find another crossroads, follow the one on the right about 250 m until you find the path on the left that will lead you through the forest to the Collet de la Creu, where you will be almost at the same altitude as Sant Jaume de Frontanyà. But the terrain is not flat, you have to go down to the Codina de Cal Berlinga, a large slab from which you will have good views and Cal Berlinga. Continue on the track to the right until you find the path on the right that will take you back to the road and you will only have to go up the stairs to the church of Sant Jaume de Frontanyà, an exceptional example of Romanesque architecture. . The key is in the inn Marxandó, in front of the church.

To resume the route, follow the signs for GR 241 heading south, passing the church side down the alley that will take you back to the road. Cross it and continue on the straight path passing through the Casablanca and gradually leave the fields open and you will enter the red pine forest typical of these regions. You will have a good time downhill for tracks and some stretch of path. You will pass the Gorg del Matxo shortly after joining a track coming from the north and crossing the Vilarasa irrigation canal to the right. You are at the head of the busy Merlès creek.

Further down you will follow a path on the right that will cross the creek again, to return to the track to the place where the Gorg Blau is, where the Molí de Moreta was. Here you have to continue along the track, downstream, to the junction with the Camí de Moreta which you must follow. From here the slope is positive again. Climb up the track to the right and after a few tight turns you will reach the center of Moreta, where there are two farmhouses and the church of St. Julià de Moreta or Vilacorba. This is a nucleus that added to Palmerola, which was of great importance since it was the parish. The church is mentioned already in 839, although its ownership did not reach the s. XI (1,014). In the 14th century, due to the depopulation of the area, the parish demarcation was reduced to the surrounding farmhouses: Moreta, La Vinyassa, Molí de Moreta and Les Cases. The path to follow goes under the church, and is saving the beams, always west. Once on the houses of Moreta, you will come to a track that you must follow straight up. You will leave it along a path on the left that will lead you to the Coll de les Cases, a small descent on the foot of the irrigation channel, and again a turn to the Coll de Cal Jaume.


At this point you have the option of lengthening the route and turning 500 m to Castell de Palmerola. There is no loss you have to follow the track to the left about 500 m, but you will have to continue climbing to have the good views, typical of the places that house these types of constructions. If you have enough time and energy you can get close to it. Initially it was a strong house, mentioned as far back as 1227. It is in the 12th century. XV when it is rebuilt and seems to be given some autonomy as a castle. In the present era, a major redevelopment took place in 1973, which changed its appearance, as you can see today.

In any case, whether you have climbed the castle or not, to continue the route to Campalans, you have to follow the track that goes west to the Rec dels Casons, then you have almost the last climb of the route. You will find a group of houses called the Casons. Once in Cal Bernat, you will find a fork of the slopes, you must follow the track up to Collada de Sobirats. Get ready to enjoy the download. Under Mas Sobirats after a couple of turns you will take a secondary track to the left. You will cross the irrigation of the nine springs, and you will enter a spectacular beech forest: you are in the Baga de Moió.

You will leave the track for a narrower one on the right and finally a path on the left will lower you sharply to the crossroads of the new fountain irrigation. Finding you already on the path you went up. Follow it now downstream, to the left. You know, you'll have to cross the creek several times. In the gorgs if the weather is fine, you can be sure to refresh yourself a bit, before finishing the route. Once you reach the track, you must leave the yellow markings on the network of paths that continue to flow down and follow the track to the right, which will go up first to the Molí de Campalans and finally up the Campsite, where the route ends.

  • Technical sheet

  • Route number: 55

  • Town: Borredà

  • Type: Difficult

  • Distance: 20,5 Km

  • Time: 6 h.

  • maximum altitude: 1101 m.

  • height difference: 800 m.

  • To organise

  • Cartography: 25-Ripoll. 1:25.000. Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya Catllaràs - Picancel 1:25.000. Ed. Alpina

  • More information

  • Bibliography: Inventari de Patrimoni: invarquit.cultura.gencat.cat

Documents and links


Carretera C16 Km 96

 08600-Berga. Phone (+34) 654 125 696

Monday to Friday: 9 to 14h.

Saturday: 10 to 14 & 16 to 18h.

Sunday and holidays: 10 to 14h.

E-mail: turisme@elbergueda.cat



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