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Network of paths and circular routes

Hike up to Comabona from les Bassotes

The Comabona with its 2548 m, is a summit of the highest in the Sierra del Cadi, at the eastern end of it. It can be accessed on several slopes: Cabirolera coast to the west, Prat d'Aguiló to the north, Moixeró to the Tancalaporta pass to the east, and Bauma or Les Bassotes pass (as this itinerary proposes), from the south.
This itinerary proposes a semicircular route that crosses the southeastern part of the mountain range, combining several paths marked by the FEEC, as well as some ridge and bounded path with stones. It goes through places and places of great landscape diversity that this mountain range hides: Prat llong, the Cortils mountain range Pas dels Gosolans, the Agulló (2526 m), the Coma Bona canal neck, the Palomar clot and the Pedregosa mountain range. To crown the Comabona means to enjoy - if the day goes with it - spectacular 360º views: Cerdanya, Vall del Llobregat, Cadí Range, Moixeró and Tosa, Verd, Ensija and the impressive and less well-known north face of Pedraforca.

The route starts at the Coll de les Bassotes part of the waters of two basins: the Segre river (Cerneres river towards the Vansa river) and the Llobregat river (the Gresolet river and the Saldes river). The route begins already in a place with great views of these two valleys, of the mountain range that we propose to discover, as well as the most unknown side of the Pedraforca, its north face.
Take the old track that starts ascending from the neck to the left, following the marks of PR-C 124. Climb along the track, avoiding shortcuts that cause erosion of the terrain, and you will see that thanks to the zigzags. zagas that makes it goes back more smoothly the accentuated slope. You will pass first to Meadow Toixones and then to Meadow Socarrat, two plains where you will be entertained, you will find several dry stone structures, old shepherds' huts of past times that used these sheets of fresh grass to feed the cattle. In fact, the entire Seerra del Cadi is full of old quarrels and shacks, traces of this not-too-distant past.
Continue climbing the track until it is over. You are in Prat Llong, an extensive meadow bounded to the north by an area with lots of stone that gives it its name: Serra Pedregosa. This is a point to be careful, the path that goes to the right to the mentioned mountain range is where you will go down. Now you have to follow the bounded path that goes straight up north. Once you reach the ridge, you will begin to descend the Cortils stream that you have to cross and again raise the ridge always to the north, until you reach Cortal Cortils, a hut that can be used as a shelter if necessary. free shelter.
From here you will find marks of the GR 150.1 - a variant of the Volta al Cadí. Follow it to the right, first along the Pic Llobateres stream and then climbing the ridge to reach a fairly flat path to the Pas dels Gosolans, the historical passage of the Cerdanya path or the Segadors path that throughout history followed by reapers, riders, lieutenants, bandits, musicians, smugglers ... and now hikers and runners. The journey was also made by the painter Pablo Picasso in 1906, after his stay in Gósol.
Your route does not continue to Cerdanya, but you have to head east, along the bounded path that climbs over the GR, passing the summit of Aguiló, the Coll de Comabona and finally climbing the plateau to get there. on the top of the Comabona, where you just have to marvel at the fantastic panoramic views of this grateful summit!
The descent proposes to do it for Serra Pedregosa, but not to go straight down, carenen a little further east to the Coma Bona canal. At this point are joined both the roads that come from the Moixeró (GR 150.1) and those that go up from the Coll de la Bena to Gisclareny (SL). The route here is already turning west, descending to Clom Palomar first following the GR and then straight on to the Clot (to avoid having to return to the passage of the Gosolans). Follow the path of Serra Pedregosa and you will undoubtedly understand its name. From Prat Llong to the Coll de les Bassotes, follow the old track where you climbed, now descending to find where you started the route.

  • Technical sheet

  • Route number: 48

  • Town: Gisclareny

  • Type: Difficult

  • Distance: 16 Km

  • Time: 5,5 hores

  • maximum altitude: 2548 metres

  • height difference: 950 metres

  • To organise

  • Cartography: 45-Parc Natural del Cadí-Moixeró W. 1:25.000. Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya Serra del Cadí - Pedraforca 1:25.000. Editorial Alpina

  • More information

  • Bibliography: El Massís del Pedraforca. Paratge Natural d’Interès Nacional. Generalitat de Catalunya

Documents and links


Carretera C16 Km 96

 08600-Berga. Phone (+34) 654 125 696

Monday to Friday: 9 to 14h.

Saturday: 10 to 14 & 16 to 18h.

Sunday and holidays: 10 to 14h.

E-mail: turisme@elbergueda.cat



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