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Network of paths and circular routes

Circular from Borredà to Vilada

This tour from Borredà, proposes to visit the neighboring village of Vilada, following traditional paths on two sides of great contrasts. The journey through an agricultural and livestock area, through pine and oak forests and extensive pasture areas still used today, by farms and the hermitage of Santa Magdalena de Guardiolans halfway. The return following the course of the Mergançol river before it ends at the Baells reservoir, passing the Climent bridge and crossing an eminently forested and practically uninhabited slope, at the foot of the wet bog of the Sierra de Picancel.

The route starts at the Plaça Major de Borredà, and departs to the west, following the GR 241 and GR 4, in the direction of Carrer de Berga. You will soon leave the GR 4 heading for a path on the right. Once past the house and corral de Graugés, you will soon be in the Coll de Bas district, where after Cal Curt, you have to leave the track and continue on the path that goes down to the right. Alternating sections of track and path you will go down to the Pontarró irrigation channel. Shortly after crossing it, you will leave the track and start climbing the path on the right in the middle of the forest. You will come to a track that will follow a few meters to the left until the fork that separates the return and return of the route.

The proposed direction is to continue on the GR 241 fine to Vilada and return along the path that marks straight for the track, Camí de Vilada to Borredà (via the Climent bridge). So, continue along the track on the right until you find a path on the left, which will lower you to the Courtyard, after crossing sharply climb up to the house of the Patio. Remember that you are in private property that must be respected. To the north of the house you will find a new fork, you have to follow the track on the left. As usual on this route, you will alternate sections of track and path, stretches closed in the middle of pine forests and open stretches of grass or crops until you find a new fork, these are always paths that go up in the Rotgers area. Keep left on the track that you will also trim with sections of path. You will pass over a pool of water and soon you will find yourself in a beamed area where the church of Santa Magdalena de Guardiolans is located. The path passes between the church and the house of the Solà, an old farmhouse converted into a farmhouse. The church has been dating from the 10th century and has a Romanesque print but was significantly reformed during the 17th and 18th centuries.

From the church you have to cross the track that goes up to the house of Sant Pere (one of the most unique houses in Vilada), and continue on the path that soon connects with the track that will take you up to the Collet del Cinto. From this you will slowly descend to the Collet dels Pous where you will find a new fork in paths. Follow the left towards Vilada, and a sharp descent will take you to Pont de Vilada or Cal Pei. The access to Vilada will take you on a path that will take you to the Castell de l'Areny road. Follow it a few meters to the right and again to the left by track and path then it will take you to the first streets of Vilada. You will enter to the west of the town, through an area to be half urbanized. From the street of the castle of Roset to the square of the Vila and the City council. You are in the center with a bar and services in case you want to stop there.

Once you want to resume the route, continue along the road towards Borredà and follow the first street that goes down to the right passing the village school. At the end of noon street, continue to the right to the sports area and continue down towards the Barrio de la Ribera. You will pass through Cal Fusteret, Cal Boixader and El Molí de Baix, which have been documented since 1295 when the Ferrer family bought it (so it came from before). From the fourteenth century references to the mill are more and more common until the s. XVII that passes into the hands of the Boixader de la Nou. It was molded well into the 20th century and there is currently an eco-friendly bread oven and oven, Cal Pitus.

From the Molí continue south on a path towards the stream of Vilada. Once you cross, the path goes left until you find the road to Collet de la Serra. Follow it a few meters to the right - carefully with the cars - and you will soon be able to follow the path under the road. Little by little you will go down and away from this one, you will cross a track and you will go out to the Climent Bridge, a bridge about 50 meters long, by 3 wide and with a height above the level of the water about 20 meters. Around 1930 Climent Simón, who was engaged in forest logging, built this bridge as well as a cable car from Castell de l'Areny.


The Climent Bridge allowed to overcome the river valley in the tasks of removing trees, but the place had been a step by step for centuries, especially to go to the Portella Monastery and to the Quar, the What would make one think that there may have been a bridge in the past? In 1998-1999, an agreement between Barcelona City Council and the Diputación de Barcelona allowed consolidation work.

After crossing the bridge, you will find the fork with the paths that go up to Picancel, and the Portella. To follow the route, continue along the track heading east, which continues Mergançol up. It is a widened path as a forest track to extract wood, built for the most part on the old path - which you can only follow on a small stretch -. A steady up and down that will allow you to take in some views of the northern slope through which you have come to Vilada, with the Catllassos climbing behind it. You will also cross some torrents that descend from Picancel; just after crossing the Can Volat irrigation, you will descend to the Mergançol stream, which you will also cross, to climb immediately and steeply on the road to Borredà. You just have to cross it here and, following the yellow markings, climb the path that goes into the forest. You will immediately connect with a track that you must follow to the left towards the house of Canemars. At the next junction of tracks you will have the house to the right, and you have to continue to the left following the forest first, and to the border with a cultivated area afterwards. Immediately you will be at the junction where you will have to repeat the path you have made in the first leg; Of course, now in the opposite direction, towards Borredà (GR 241).

Follow the track to the right, alternating paths and tracks, you will reach the El Pontarró irrigation channel. Cross it and climb the path to the right. You will follow track and path again until you reach the paved track already in Coll de Bas. Now you have to follow it to the left, and in a fairly flat way you will reach the house and corral de Graugés and after a short turn to the first houses in the town of Borredà where you will find the fork with the GR 4 which also goes enter Borredà, and on Berga street you will again reach the church square.

  • Technical sheet

  • Route number: 53

  • Town: Borredà

  • Type: Middle

  • Distance: 15 Km

  • Time: 4,5 h.

  • maximum altitude: 852 m.

  • height difference: 700 m.

  • To organise

  • Cartography: 5-Berga. 1:25.000 Institut Cartogràfic i Geològic de Catalunya Catllaràs - Picancel 1:25.000. Ed. Alpina

  • More information

  • Bibliography: Inventari de Patrimoni: patrimonicultural.diba.cat

Documents and links



Carretera C16 Km 96

 08600-Berga. Phone (+34) 654 125 696

Monday to Friday: 9 to 14h.

Saturday: 10 to 14 & 16 to 18h.

Sunday and holidays: 10 to 14h.

E-mail: turisme@elbergueda.cat



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