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Decalogue of the responsible visitor

  • Talk to people who live in the area, the exchange will enrich you, Enjoy a good conversation with a shepperd you meet on an itinerary, with the guide who accompanies you, or with the person who runs the accommodation where you sleep or the restaurant where you ate. These are unique moments that will help you better understand the reality of the territory you have visited.


  • Live local traditions, festivals and fairs, they are an intangible cultural heritage in rigorous live. If it coincides with the days of your stay, do not hesitate to attend fairs, parties or other traditional events that are being held in the area. You will get to know the traditions, you will feel the culture, you will get excited with the local people.


  • Let yourself be accompanied by a local guide, you will learn and enjoy much more and it will bring you security and tranquility. There are many reasons why it is worth paying for a professional guide who is also linked to the territory. You will have a great time, you will discover curiosities that would go unnoticed if you were alone and it will give you security to move around the mountain with complete peace of mind.


  • Taste local cuisine and products, and visit the establishments where they are produced. In the restaurants where you go, choose and enjoy dishes cooked with local products (stews, soups, meats, wines, desserts, etc.). In addition to being km 0, with all that entails, they are delicious. Then visit the establishments where they are produced (farms, cheese factories, wineries, workshops, etc.) and you will know their origin.


  • Visit land and nature interpretation centers, museums and other similar facilities. These are ideal places to find out about itineraries, guided activities, timetables and places to visit. But, above all, they are facilities where you can make a first immersion in the territory and start getting to know the most relevant elements of the natural and cultural heritage. Don’t overlook them, they will surprise you.


  • Enjoy, with respect, the fauna, flora and geological heritage, and do the same with the mountain cattle.
    When you are in the mountains, follow the signposted paths and respect the animals that live there, both domestic livestock and wildlife, avoiding disturbing and scaring them. Respecting the environment also means leaving everything you see and like: rocks, fossils, flowers, plants or other natural elements.


  • Use the private vehicle sparingly and, at the end of the trip, make up for your footprint.
    If you have the option, consider getting to your destination by public transportation. If not, once you are in the area you are visiting, prioritize travel on foot, by bicycle, on horseback ... or by public or collective transport. Once at home, it compensates for the CO2 emissions produced by your private vehicle during the trip (there are several websites where you can do this).


  • Minimize your resource consumption, and leave the environment as you would like to find it.
    In the accommodation where you sleep, consume water and electricity responsibly, for example reusing towels or turning off lights when not needed. Once in the mountains, take all the rubbish you generate and even collect the rubbish left by other people.


  • Choose companies that are certified for their commitment to the environment, and use local establishments to host you.
    As a consumer, you have great power with your decisions. Whenever you can, opt for companies that have some environmental certification (such as the Environmental Quality Badge or the European Charter for Sustainable Tourism). And, in any case, choose accommodation and restaurants run by the local population.


  • Return to nature and the land a part of the happiness they brought you during your stay
    When we enjoy, we are grateful. If your stay has given you moments of happiness, it helps to improve the territory you have visited. Ask guides, accommodations or visitor centers for local initiatives or entities that work to conserve or restore natural and cultural heritage. Collaborate, bring your grain of sand.


Carretera C16 Km 96

 08600-Berga. Phone (+34) 654 125 696

Monday to Friday: 9 to 14h.

Saturday: 10 to 14 & 16 to 18h.

Sunday and holidays: 10 to 14h.

E-mail: turisme@elbergueda.cat



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