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The waters of Pedraforca

One of the elements associated with the mountain is water. And in a context where the Natural Park of Cadí Moixeró dominates the landscape, the formation of rivers, streams and torrents is constant. In the collective imagination of the local inhabitants, the rivers Llobregat and Bastareny, and the countless corners with pools and places to bath, are the protagonists of family stories and memories with friends. Without all the watercourses of the Pedraforca, the character of the people of Berguedà would be different; landmarks would be missing, landmarks which are often the reason for lovers of the mountain to visit again. Because many of them are a constant resource when hiking, spending the day, or for kids to discover them.


There are many rivers in the Natural Park, but the most important are the Llobregat and Bastareny. The most important and bearing the largest amount of water is the  Llobregat, born in the springs of the Llobregat, in some crags close to Castellar de N'Hug, and flowing into the delta it forms close to Barcelona. It is, in fact, one of the key axes of the comarca, as it crosses Berguedà from north to south, almost dividing it into two symmetrical parts. The area of the birth of the river is adapted for tourist walks; as well as the Springs, there is a picnic area, a hotel and an old flour mill converted into a hydroelectric power station. The Llobregat is also the main river that fills the Baells reservoir, a very important tourist attraction as it is used to practice many water sports.


Both the birth of the Llobregat and the Bastareny are spectacular in the rainy seasons when water is abundant thanks to the rains and the thawing of mountain snow. Along its initial course, it forms countless springs, waterfalls and hidden spaces where you can bathe, which are in a good state, thanks to the work carried out to restore them.


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Carretera C16 Km 96

 08600-Berga. Phone (+34) 654 125 696

Monday to Friday: 9 to 14h.

Saturday: 10 to 14 & 16 to 18h.

Sunday and holidays: 10 to 14h.

E-mail: turisme@elbergueda.cat



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